Describe common formats for data files – Describe core data concept
Describe common formats for data files
In this vast world of data storage, selecting the appropriate file format is essential for efficient data management and interoperability. Exploring the common formats of data files sheds light on their characteristics and use cases. By understanding these formats, you can make informed decisions about storing and exchanging your data to ensure seamless integration and acces-sibility across different systems and platforms.
Delimited file format
Delimited file formats are widely used for storing and exchanging tabular data, where fields are separated by specific delimiter characters. These formats offer you simplicity, versatility, and compatibility with various system and applications. In a delimited file, each record is repre-sented as a line, and individual fields within the record are separated by a delimiter character, such as a comma, tab, or pipe. Let’s explore the characteristics and benefits of delimited file formats.
Figure 1-3 shows an example of the comma-separated values (CSV) file format, where each line represents an employee record. The fields of each record, such as name, age, job title, and location, are separated by commas. Each comma (or delimiter) acts as a marker to distinguish one field from the other.
6 CHAPTER 1 Describe core data concept

FIGURE 1-3 CSV file format
The first line of a CSV file typically serves as a header, specifying the name of the fields. Subsequent lines contain the actual data, with each field representing a specific attribute of the field. With delimited files, you can easily import/export the data into various software applica-tions and seamlessly exchange data between different systems.
Delimited file formats offer you several advantages. They are human-readable and widely supported, making them accessible across different platforms and programming languages. Because of the simplicity of the format, users can easily process and manipulate data using various tools. Delimited files are also lightweight and space-efficient, as they do not require complex data structures or encoding schemas.
These formats are commonly used for data interchange, data migration, and integration between different systems. They provide a standardized and straightforward approach to represent tabular data. While CSV is the most prevalent delimited format, other variations such as tab-separated values (TSV) and pipe-separated values (PSV) offer alternative delimiters for specific use cases.